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ENVEG:BS - Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering

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Civil & Environmental Engineering/CENGR UGEG - Engineering BS - Bachelor of Science

Degree Offered

BS - Bachelor of Science

Program Title

Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers are the technical professionals who identify and design solutions for environmental problems affecting health issues and the quality of the air, water, and land. The impact of environmental problems on the quality of life has significantly expanded the job opportunities in environmental engineering, placing it among the fastest growing professional fields. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at FIU is the prime resource for environmental engineering education, training, research, and technology development in Florida. Our program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive foundation of knowledge, which is necessary to produce the best and most cost-effective engineering solutions to local and global environmental problems. Our Bachelor of Science (BS) in Environmental Engineering program, accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) offers a thorough education in fundamental core subjects across various subdisciplines of Environmental Engineering. These include biology, geology, chemistry, ecology, atmospheric sciences, geoenvironmental engineering, urban planning, water resources engineering, pollution prevention, and waste management. The curriculum is designed to meet the State of Florida’s articulation policy and to equip graduates for professional engineering licensure. For more information, visit the College of Engineering and Computing website.

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Academic Group

College of Engineering and Computing

Diploma Title

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering

Total Credits


CIP Code
